Wednesday, March 24, 2010

How sad is this...

Ciao a tutti...Hello everybody!


The first question that comes to mind is: WHY are you watching such a small tv when there is such a LARGE tv next to it? A reasonable question. The answer is: One toddler + one shooter marble + one large NEW plasma tv = disaster! So a little over 2 years ago, Tobin and I bought our first really cool present for ourselves...great new TV. About 2 months after such purchase, 2 year old Clayton threw a shooter marble at said tv. Ugh!!! You just get that sinking feeling in your stomach! Well, it lasted until yesterday and finally gave up the ghost! Like, it couldn't wait 2 weeks!! So we bring down the sad small tv. My father-in-law once compared watching our small tv like watching tv on your phone...oh, well! Anyway, just thought it was a funny pic!

So, onto Italy news! Still kind of foggy as to when we are leaving, how long we are staying, and where we are living! What an adventure! At this moment, it looks like Tobin will be traveling with us...what a relief! So that means we may have to be leaving before Easter...yes, that would be in like a week and a half. I have been panicking! Sometimes that happens when you finally realize when things are happening (kind of like when you are pregnant and realize, hey there is really going to be a baby soon...and no, I am not pregnant!).

I finally had the realization that I am just going to have to get more suitcases. There is just no way to pack stuff for 5 people for 5 months into 3 suitcases, I know, I was in denial. I just keep trying to remind myself that less is more, less is more! The mound keeps growing!!!!

I finally broke down and bought some books/travel guides for Italy. I am also trying to cram as much as possible Italian into my head...I think I am getting information overload! But this morning the first thing that I thought when I woke up was...Non parlo italiano molto bene...I don't speak italian very well! I guess that is a start...especially since I couldn't remember that last night!

Have a wonderful day!
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1 comment:

  1. Hey, if you want to borrow some suitcases, just let me know. We rarely use ours... just sit in the crawlspace & gather dust!
