Thursday, April 22, 2010

Sights in Tarquinia...

Last weekend we went to the bustling metropolis of Tarquinia...well, maybe compared to Montalto! Here is a picture of the old town (Centro Storico) castle walls. I think this was my favorite part thus far. It is just like you would imagine old italy to be. Buildings so close together that the tiny car you are driving barely fits through! It was quite the riot!

Some fun arches we found around the outside of the walls...

Seriously old school fountain...

A second story balcony in the old town...notice the shutters again, instead of screens!

Today was really low key...we didn't go anywhere! It was in some ways nice to just be...I read yet another Sherlock Holmes book. But in other ways it was hard...all day long with the kids and not having my usual things to keep them busy! There is also not a soul here! I am not used to being is not so good for me! And you think I would relish not having to clean my house! Hopefully, this weekend we can move into Montalto and we can begin a routine...heck, the park is only blocks away (not to mention the garden store is around the corner)...

On another note...I have this crazy rash on my hands...apparently I am allergic to the handsoap I bought. I would be able to figure out what it was I was allergic to...but it is all in Italian! Oh, well, I just hope the second bottle is better! At least it is a different color!

Kelly, Pat & Darin are all on their way back from Munich today. They should be here pretty soon. I am excited to at least hear about their trip (I got dibs that they didn't take a single fact I'll bet that they didn't even bring their camera;)...

Have a wonderful day!

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