Wednesday, May 5, 2010

This and that...

Another post of random things...
The weather here is unusual to me...well, I am used to MT weather and apparently it has been snowing like crazy there! The actual temperature is what one would say is pleasant, but it is unusual to me. The sun (when it is out) is VERY intense! Clothes on the line take 2 hours MAX to dry in the direct intense sun...I can get 4 loads washed and dried on the line in one day when the sun is out. But (and that is a BIG but), when it is is SO humid! Now I am from NJ and have experienced significant humidity (think August on the Jersey shore)...this is completely different. It is most humid (at least at this time) on cloudy humid that your clothes just feel damp all day long. Clothes hanging to dry inside just DO NOT dry out! They could sit there for days and never get completely dry! When you get into bed, your sheets feel wet! Coming from the arid west...this is something to get used to! So, is it MORE humid than NJ? My answer is that it is different humid, but it certainly feels like it on those cloudy days!
Here is a pic of water fountains in Rome...they are all over the city and run constantly. They are actually quite refreshing in that intense sun!

We are loving the new and different playground equipment here. They just do things differently and the newness is certainly fun for the kids. Again, most of this stuff is probably illegal in the States...must be why it is fun! Gwen certainly didn't even flinch at this rope ladder...

Italian coffee! It is seriously STRONG stuff...high octane, if you will. I am enjoying my espresso each morning...although italians might think I am ruining it by adding at least a cup of hot water to it (besides with enough cream and sugar, anything would taste better)! But it sure wakes a person up! So here is my italian coffee maker...note the pot of water in the background...

I did manage to bring some toys for the kids...some were a hit, some were a waste of space! I certainly should have brought more books...I forgot that everything would be in italian! So we only have a couple with us (my thoughts were that they were heavy and we wouldn't need them)...I broke out Gwen's few books and she really wants me to read them to her (the same three over, and over, and over, and over, well you get the point). One success was the legos! They keep Case busy for hours...

The days are getting more routine for me (which is a good thing for the kids) but I keep forgetting to take pictures...there is plenty to chat about, but it is much nicer to have pics to look at. Tomorrow I will try to get pictures of the local market and my favorite bread store!
Ciao a tutti!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing! It is hard to imagine what life is really like, but the details help. Packing toys for any trip can be difficult. You never know what will work well. I guess you could always make play dough, too. A fun project could be finding magazines or other pictures and writing your own books for the time you are there (think kiddie collage on stapled pages). Will keep reading when I can.
