Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Gwendolyn Rose...

Today is this little girl's 2nd birthday...

I seriously LOVE the fact her pigtails stick out...totally unintentional but apparently essential...ones crown must not mess up ones hair! We had a fun get together last night to is her actual birthday but it is the Italian's Liberation Day (think 4th of July) and Tobin had off of work, so we planned to go to Siena (more on that later). Gwen's birthday 'cake' was a 'cookie cake'...well, maybe like a nice assortment of cookies from our favorite bakery...I know, I slaved on this one. Gwen has become a cookie monster here...or 'tooties' as she likes to could I say no. Here is our birthday girl blowing out her candles...notice a big brother showing her how it is done...

One thing that I would like to know...when did my little girl become a girl? She just pranced around with her crown on like she was a princess...loving her new her babies a ride in her stroller...who knew?

In honor of Gwendolyn's 2nd birthday, here are two special things about her:

One: She is a real trooper. We have brought her half way around the world, completely rearranged her schedule, and plopped her down in an unknown place...and she came through it with flying colors. We drag her around the italian countryside and she does reasonably well (as long as there are plenty of 'tooties' available). She creates quite the stir where ever we go...the italian ladies LOVE her and ALWAYS chat, pick up, and give her TONS of free stuff. Now when we go to the food store, she just thinks that EVERY cashier will give her a piece of least they don't know what she is saying!

Two: She is 100 percent a daddy's girl and he is just as in love with her. If daddy is around, she flat out refuses to hold mommy's hand. She wants to be in his lap, on his shoulders, being pushed by him in the stroller, holding his hand, watching him work on the computer, sitting on his lap in the train, plane, or boat, well you get the picture! These two are is pretty fun to get to watch such a neat relationship grow.

There are tons more special things about her: she LOVES to read books, play with bugs, stomp on snails that her brothers have collected, carrying mommy's purse, 'coloring' with a pencil, playing with stickers, and her number one thing she loves to do is...she HAS to keep up with her brothers...and they certainly can't get away with leaving her behind! You can always count on her being just about 2 steps behind those boys, doing whatever they are doing, and loving every minute of it!

Two-year-olds are definitely difficult at times (or most of the time, if you are really honest), but they are also loving, charming, and fun. One thing to remember, a two-year-old is still a two-year-old, no matter where you are!

We love you tons, Gwendolyn Rose...have a wonderful year!
Ciao a tutti!

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